Providing the world’s most reliable AABB accredited testing since 1985 - one of the oldest and most experienced laboratories, providing DNA testing in Atlanta, as well as expert witness and consulting services. Sequential had performed DNA forensic analyses in thousands of cases and for hundreds of offender samples. We assist the federal, state, and local crime laboratories throughout the country with our Atlanta-based forensic testing. Sequential offers a full range of human DNA identity testing technologies including STR, Y-STR, mitochondrial, and SNP analysis. Our services include evidence screening, DNA analysis, and pre and post-analysis client support. All of our US and Atlanta DNA testing services meet or exceed the applicable requirements of our independent accrediting agencies.
Sequential DNA Testing Solutions offer:
Results in 3-5 working days
Strict procedures to guarantee accurate and conclusive results
Chain of Command protocol to ensure legally admissible results
Convenient appointments close to your home or office
At Sequential in Atlanta, our DNA testing process is fast and easy! One of our highly trained medical professionals will collect saliva samples from inside the cheek* of the mother, father, and child using sterile swabs. The collected samples will be sent to our Atlanta area paternity testing laboratory for processing. The time to complete the testing once a sample reaches the DNA testing lab is typically between three to five days.
Sequential is the premier source for DNA testing solutions in Atlanta and nationwide. Schedule an appointment now
*Alternatively, it is possible to test samples other than cheek swab samples. Non-standard samples require a chain of custody paper and involve an additional fee.
Our DNA paternity testing in Atlanta is based on the fact that each person’s unique genetic blueprint is stored in material known as DNA. This DNA determines everything about us as human beings and is primarily the same for all people. However, slight differences in DNA between people determine each of our unique characteristics, including traits like eye color and blood type. There are also DNA differences that have no biological purpose but are useful for differentiating between or identifying people. Genetic markers for identity applications like paternity testing or forensic identification use these types of non-functional genetic differences. One type of such marker is called Short Tandem Repeats (STRs) because they have varying numbers of repeated segments of DNA. Another variety is called Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (or SNPs) because it varies in only a single DNA base.
Paternity testing from our Atlanta lab uses DNA found in every human cell to determine if someone is the parent of a child. Because each of us was born with unique DNA structures that our parents gave us, the resulting DNA will reflect both of our parents’ DNA. To determine a father’s identity, the DNA from the mother, child, and presumed father must all be compared. When enough pieces match, paternity can be determined to an almost certain degree.
Immigration DNA Test
Sequential is a government-approved vendor provider for DNA immigration tests. A DNA immigration test is a paternity, maternity, or kinship test performed to determine if two or more individuals are biologically related. A DNA immigration test is performed solely at the request of either the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), through one of its USCIS offices, or the Department of State (DOS), through one of the US Embassies abroad.
Sequential works closely with the US Embassies in more than 100 countries abroad to ensure that the samples are collected as quickly as possible. Appointments within the US can be made within 24 hours on a nationwide basis. Sequential facilitates the secure and timely shipment of all samples to our accredited DNA testing laboratories in the US.
DNA Maternity Test
A DNA maternity test will test the relationship between a child and his or her alleged
DNA Kinship Test
A DNA kinship test will test the relationship between two or more individuals to assess
if they are biologically related.
Forensic DNA
As one of the oldest and most experienced laboratories, providing DNA testing, expert witness, and consulting services, Sequential has performed DNA forensic analyses in thousands of cases and for hundreds of offender samples. We assist the federal, state, and local crime laboratories throughout the country with our Atlanta-based forensic testing services.
Sequential offers a full range of human DNA identity testing technologies, including STR, Y-STR, mitochondrial, and SNP analysis. Our services include evidence screening, DNA analysis, and pre- and post-analysis client support. All of our services meet or
exceed the applicable requirements of our independent accreditation agencies.

An easy-to-follow kit allows for the collection of painless cheek swab samples in the privacy of your own home. Once the samples are taken, a third party at one of Sequential’s 3,000+ national sites will collect the sample, providing a “chain of custody.”
A legal DNA paternity test involves collecting painless cheek swab samples by an unbiased,
third-party specimen collector. Sequential has over 5,000 sites nationally. The results of a
properly administered court-ready test can be used in a legal matter or to change the name
on a birth certificate. We routinely report test results with a probability of paternity of 99.99%
or higher on inclusions and 0.00% on exclusions.
A third party collects painless buccal swab samples. Proves court-ready answers that may
be used to resolve custody disputes and legal matters.
Results in three business days from when the last sample was collected and received. Positive test results are routinely 99.9% or higher. $375
The fee includes sample collection(s) within the US. An additional collection fee may be accrued for inter-state testing. $395
When you just need to know, Sequential has you covered with testing options and pregnancy DNA testing from our Atlanta DNA experts. With our at-home testing, you receive easy-to-follow instructions, so you can administer and collect samples using a painless buccal cheek swab in a private, non-clinical setting of your choice whenever you need it. Sequential routinely reports testing results with a probability of paternity of 99.99% or higher on inclusions and 0.00% on exclusions from these at-home kits.
Also referred to as a Sequential curiosity test, an at-home DNA test offers accurate and reliable answers so you can decide the next step. However, since samples are self-collected and there is no chain of custody, the final report cannot be used in a legal matter. The results are for the use of the tested parties only.
Sequential’s legal paternity test is your best choice if you intend to pursue a legal matter regarding custody or support payments. *The AABB does not accredit for non-chain of custody testing at this laboratory or any other laboratory.
Referred to as a “curiosity test,” the at-home kit provides answers when you just need to know.
Sequential’s Live Chat easy pay system allows you to conveniently make a payment toward the cost of the test that you have selected. You can use a credit card or PayPal to process. The initial payment is $150, and additional charges can be made in increments as low as $50. Once you have paid for the total cost of your test, results will be forwarded to you via email and/or fax and in three business days after receipt of payment.
It is that simple!
Order with Sequential’s Paypal Now! Legal DNA involves the collection of painless cheek swab samples by an unbiased, third-party specimen collector. The procedure involves a strict Chain of Custody procedure, which includes verifying Prostate-Specific government-issued photo ID for each adult tested party, a photograph of each tested party, and the signature for each
adult tested party. Painless court-ready paternity testing with swab samples is taken at one of our collection sites.
Fill out our contact form now! Once submitted, a Sequential professional will contact you to discuss your inquiry.

Do you suspect your partner of cheating on you? If you have found staining on her undergarments, clothing, or bedsheets, she may be having an affair. During and after sexual activity, semen containing up to 300 million sperm can be deposited on undergarments, panties, bedsheets, clothing, upholstery, or other surfaces. Sperm can last as long as 3–5 days in the vagina and remain identifiable for years as dried stains. Two primary techniques can be used to characterize suspicious stains, semen screening, and DNA testing.
Do I need infidelity testing? If you answer yes to any of the following questions, your spouse may be cheating on you.
Have you noticed a change in your relationship?
Is your spouse suddenly busy all the time, distant and moody?
Does he/she make excuses for where they have been?
Have they lost interest in the physical aspect of your relationship?
Statistically, 17% of divorces in the United States are a result of infidelity and about 10% of people who have affairs, end up marrying their lovers.
Eliminate your doubt about any of these with a Semen/DNA Test. The latest DNA technology is foolproof. Learn how DNA testing can help you determine if your boyfriend/husband or girlfriend/wife is cheating on you.​
Types of Infidelity Testing​
DNA Test
Saliva Test
Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA)
Ultraviolet Examination
DNA TESTING - $900.00
Have you found a suspicious stain on your husband’s underwear, clothing, or bedsheets? Put your mind at ease by sending the fabric to our Atlanta laboratory for DNA testing. Let us get to the bottom of your suspensions by confirming if the stain is only from your husband or if it is from your husband and another woman or man.
Ultraviolet (UV) light is a popular tool in many forensic investigations for the presumptive identification of body fluids on various items. Materials such as semen, saliva, sweat, and vaginal secretions are naturally fluorescent under UV light, which offers a discriminating method for locating these stains that might otherwise be invisible to the naked eye. Biological stains resulting from sexual activity often contain a mixture of both male and female DNA.
The female DNA usually originates from epithelial cells from the vaginal wall, the mouth, or skin, while the male DNA comes from sperm cells. After the stain is extracted, a DNA profile is then created. If the DNA shows the stains from two people (your husband and another person), we can use DNA testing to show whether or not the second person is you or an unknown person. We do this by having you submit a personal cheek swab, and then we compare your DNA profile to that of the DNA from the item you sent to confirm DNA from the stain.
SALIVA TEST - $300.00
If you suspect your husband of infidelity but have been unable to detect a physical stain, the undetectable stain may be a result of oral sex. Ultraviolet (UV) light can be used to locate the stain.
Once the precise location of the stain is determined, a Saliva Test can be conducted to determine the origin of the stain. Find out for only $300.
Lingering doubt about your husband’s possible infidelity can wreak havoc on your emotional state. Put those doubts to rest with a DNA, Semen Screen or Saliva Test, the only foolproof method for determining infidelity. Articles, such as underwear, clothing, and bedsheets containing suspicious stains can be rapidly and reliably screened for the presence of semen utilizing a combination of three techniques: ultraviolet illumination, prostate-specific antigen (PSA), and microscopy. Even if a man is vasectomized, his semen can still be detected.
Prostate-specific antigen, also known as PSA, is secreted into seminal fluid. The PSA test is an
extremely sensitive, presumptive technique that allows for the low-level detection of seminal fluid in stains. The method is extremely powerful because it can confirm the presence of semen even in samples from sterile or vasectomized men.
Ultraviolet (UV) light is a popular tool in many forensic investigations for the presumptive
identification of body fluids on various items. Materials such as semen, saliva, sweat, and
vaginal secretions are naturally fluorescent under UV light, which offers a discriminating method for locating these stains that might otherwise be invisible to the naked eye. Once the precise location of the stain is determined, presumptive testing can be conducted utilizing the p30 and microscopy techniques.
Sperm heads can be accurately identified based on their morphological characteristics via